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Eduardo Serrano – Alvaro Diego Campuzano

En su producción más reciente los procesos naturales juegan un papel fundamental, puesto que la oxidación, el moho y el crecimiento orgánico son los medios a través de los cuales plasma sus imágenes.

Alvaro Diego Gómez Campuzano combina con entera libertad: el azar con lo determinado, los colores intensos y variados con el monocromatismo del acero inoxidable, y también, el atractivo de la texturas que estimulan la sensibilidad e invitan a una comprobación tácti’, con argumentos geométricos que subrayan su racionalidad y que permiten vislumbrar las profundas reflexiones a que obedecer, sus propuestas.

Natural processes play a central role in the most recent work of this artist; rust, mildew and organic growth become the means through which his images are moulded.
Alvaro Diego Gómez Campuzano freely mixes randomness with determination; intense and diverse colours, with a monochrome stainless steel; attractive textures which stimulate sensitivity and invite us to perform textile verifications, with geometrical arguments that underline the artist’s rationality and help us hint at deep reflections underneath his proposals.

Although he chose one of the most traditional and significant craft forms used in South America, Alvaro Gomez reveals a different conception, with a fresh and new approach to textile work. The setting of total geometrical forms-in opposition to repetitive patterns-confers upon his work a certain optical intention, a depth in the succession of planes, which appear not only uncommon in this field of expression, but underline also the of space character and the obvious architectural tendency of his production.

Gomez mixes cotton, acryl and silk in compositions of great precision (reinforced by tiny pieces of lead, which secure the verticality of its linear elements). The overlapping (superposition) of folds, combination of dense or transparent areas, scarce use of colour with its three-dimensional interest, contribute to the present work, which equally attracts through its references to total image, sensuousness of materials and precision of details.

Eduardo Serrano